Connected – Inclusive – Respected

Founded more than thirty-five years ago, the ATOM Awards cater to screen media creators of all ages, and have established themselves as a mainstay of both the education and screen industry sectors.


Recognising the achievements of students

Designed by teachers, the ATOM Awards provide an opportunity for students to explore their interests in a meaningful way, while learning new skills as media creators and becoming discerning consumers of media.

With no fixed topic or theme requirements, the Awards can fit into any curriculum and enable teachers to showcase the exceptional work of their students.

Finalists and winners have the chance to engage a vast audience, network with industry professionals and be recognised for their efforts. An ATOM Award on a student’s CV will genuinely help them find a place in film school or employment in the screen media sector.

Cross-curriculum fun

Digital Filmmaking is firmly part of the Australian Curriculum. And creating screen content can add a lot of cross-curriculum fun and learning to English, Drama, Information and Software Technology, Visual Arts, Society and Culture, Music, History, Geography and Aboriginal Studies!

Through their participation, students can develop skills such as collaboration, creativity, communication and critical thinking.