The ATOM Photo Comp provides Australian and New Zealand student and adult photographers with the opportunity to submit a set of three (3) photographs adhering to a theme, and win fantastic prizes in the process.
The theme for this year’s competition is This Makes Me Happy.
Prizes for winners of each of the five age-group categories include Ted’s Cameras gift vouchers valued at $500 for the primary categories, $1000 for the secondary categories and $2000 for Open.
Entries close midday AEST, Friday 22 April 2022.
For more information on the ATOM Photo Comp, visit atomphotocomp.org.

The 1-Minute Film Competition is an initiative of Australian Teachers of Media (ATOM). It provides Australian and New Zealand primary and secondary–school students with the opportunity to make a 60-second short film or animation, and win fantastic prizes in the process.
The theme for the 2022competition is Memory.
The first-place prize in each of the four categories includes $500 in cash.
Entries close midday AEST, Friday 3 August 2018.
For more information on the 1-Minute Film Competition, visit 1-minutefilmcompetition.org.

Front Page is an initiative of Fairfax Media and ATOM. It provides Australian schools and classes with the opportunity to create and submit a short school newspaper, and win fantastic prizes in the process.
Prizes for the winning school or class in each of the three age-group categories include:
- Six (6) Apple iPads (32 GB Wi-Fi models, valued at $469 each)
- An optional tour of a newsroom (winners’ choice of either The Age or The Sydney Morning Herald offices – prize does not include transportation to/from the applicable offices)
There will also be a write-up and photo of all the winners published in The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald newspapers.
Entries close midday AEST, Friday 21 September 2018.
For more information on Front Page, visit frontpage.online.